Poem~I Notice My LIfe!

I Notice My Life
 by Joyce Chapman

I notice my life.
Notice my self.

I laughed so hard today.
I notice the times when I laugh.
I notice how laughing makes me feel.
I notice what my true feelings are.

I notice the changes in me.
I notice what brings them about.
I notice: am I laughing enough lately?
I notice what’s here for me to learn.

I’m a scientific observer
Of my own life.
I’m gathering the material
For reflection and decision making.

I notice what I really want.
I notice what I need.
What is the gift in each situation?
I especially notice opportunity.

I notice my gentleness.
I notice my vulnerability.
I notice my strength.
I notice beauty.
I notice love.
I notice you.

I know one thing:
It’s what I don’t notice
That causes me disharmony.
What does that tell me?
To notice what I don’t notice!

Noticing is my tool,
My wake up call,
For taking responsibility.
The more I notice,
The more I take charge.

I notice
And I learn.
I enjoy the learning.
Or sometimes hate it.
Often laugh at myself.

But in noticing,
I accept.
I make my experience my very own.
I stop blaming anyone else,
Stop resisting the truth,
And create each moment anew.

I learn.
I laugh.
I grow.
I become.

I notice--
And celebrate.

Copyright © 1990 by Joyce Chapman